Sunday, February 10, 2013

Quick Coconut Oil Challenge and Warms Fuzzies Resolution update

Earlier in the week I posted about my challenge to try as many of the 52 Ways to Use Coconut Oil from . I didn't get to as many this week as I had hoped, 3rd trimester fatigue is creeping in and I've struggled to fit everything in. However this week I have completed two and thought I would share my opinions.

#4- Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal). I coated my hair in coconut oil (at least 2 tablespoons) and put on a shower cap while I took a bath. I looked like a character from The Outsiders and my hair felt disgusting but I did it anyway in the name of science (or at least blogging). I bathed for at least 20 minutes before I scrubbed the oil of of my hair. I also conditioned it with my regular conditioner before I towel and blow dried my hair. My general consensus is that it was an OK leave in conditioner. I have used better products that left my hair feeling softer than this, but this obviously is much more natural than using a drugstore leave in. I'm not sure if using it more frequently would improve its success but I'm not rushing into doing this one again anytime soon.

#6- Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer. Admittedly I didn't put on small container in my purse, but I have been using it frequently at home as a lip balm. It is a lot greasier than your typical Chap-stick and has no flavor (which is probably an OK thing) but it also rubs off the lips fairly quickly and needs to be reapplied often. My lips don't feel overly soft but it has done an OK job and keeping the winter chapped lips at bay.

I promise to make a greater effort this week to try a few more (but I have Valentine's Day tasks to accomplish as well). On the Warm Fuzzies front, I did do one this week. I sent a fairly short but heartfelt note to a friend of mine telling her how awesome I thought she was and why. She may not have even gotten it yet, but I know it made me feel good to send such a simple thing to someone who is such an awesome human being. I have been working on ideas of what to send, give, and make but I also want to leave it somewhat open as I like to just randomly find things that fit different people needs and personalities. I love coming up with ideas and this has already been a great endeavor that I look forward to continuing all year long.

This is going to be a busy week, I have K's Valentine's to make (a totally Pinterest stolen idea) and Valentine treats to make for her party on Thursday (of course Pinterest stolen as well). I also want to get one more Warm Fuzzy sent out and try at least 2-3 more coconut oil experiments. I can't wait to update this week with all of the fun projects I have going on, and I am totally looking forward to a Girl's Afternoon Out with M on Saturday! Yeah for busy but hopefully wonderful weeks! 

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