Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Challenge 10- Coffee Beans meet Tea lights

This one is another suggestion from the husband, and one he pinned before I did. The idea is simple, place a tea light candle in a small bowl around coffee beans. The candle will warm up the coffee beans, which will release a wonderful coffee bean scent into the room. This idea sounds great and the picture makes it look like classy table decor, great for a brunch or other small gathering. However, in practice this idea is great for decor but sadly isn't up to par in the scent department.
Picture from http://leschosesdemarie.blogspot.com/
The website this particular pin comes from is not in English (or Spanish, my ignorant assumption is that it's in Italian or maybe Portuguese) and was nothing more than a picture. I've had so-so luck with pins that don't come with instructions but Joe was excited to try this one and I mean look at the picture, how hard could it be.

I gave Joe the job of picking out the coffee beans while we were out at Central Market. He picked a Vanilla Nut bean which we had bought before. This particular bean has an amazing smell but it underwhelms in the taste department. We bought the candles from Walmart and used some small glass Pyrex bowls we had to set it up. Not as fancy as the picture but I figured it would work just as well.
We left the tea light to burn for at least an hour and the general opinion was that up close you could smell the coffee and it reminded us of something baking (probably from the general scent of that particular coffee blend). The scent didn't travel far though so you had to be pretty close to it to smell anything. Joe decided we needed to try again and this time have more bowls going at once to see if we could intensify the smell. Tonight we set up three bowls hoping that would help, mainly because we enjoyed the smell the one bowl had made, we just didn't want to have to stand six inches from the bowl to smell it.
We lit all three and left them to burn in the kitchen, again for about an hour. We also left the room so that we wouldn't be used to the smell (we were really giving this one a sporting chance). When we came back we were again underwhelmed by the range of the scent. We figured you would need bigger candles or more heat for this to really work as an air freshener. The look is great and it would be good as a centerpiece if you were having a brunch or fancy breakfast. For smell however you would be better off to buy a coffee scented candle or coffee scented wax for your Scentsy burner. However, my husband summoning his inner MacGuyver has decided that his next attempt will be putting the bowls filled with coffee on top my my Scentsy base. I'll let you know how this goes.

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