Wednesday, February 25, 2015

These Are My Confessions...

I have Usher crooning in my head as I type this (early 2000's musical reference), I just felt like I needed to get some stuff off my conscience to quite possibly get me kicked out of my funk.

#1- I am unabashedly uninspired right now
     I was iced into my house for 2 days with plenty of time to write up a blog post but I instead spent all of my free time compulsively checking social media, cooking, and wasting time on Pinterest. I just didn't feel like I had anything to share worth reading (I might still not, that is yet to be seen.) I'm not sure if this is a late winter funk or what but I just don't feel quality ideas flowing out of me right now.

#2- My funk may be based on a lack of weightlifting
     I haven't been able to go to the gym since Saturday and I feel it in my body and my mood. For someone who loathed working out a few years ago it is surprising how a few days off sends me spiralling. Between the weather and the husband's work I haven't had time to fit it in, and I am not a workout at home person. I miss my weight bench, my ab ball, and fighting all the other gym chicks for the 15 pound dumbbells. #gymgirlproblems

#3- Ignorance is bliss, especially when it comes to food ingredients
    I finished the book An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan this weekend (would have been totally read Tuesday if I had actually felt like writing) and my mind was blown. I just can't get passed the amount of crap that is put into processed food products. Unnecessary chemicals, food dyes, fillers, it makes you angry that all that junk has been allowed to be put into the food we all eat. I can't look at a food product now without reading labels and it's insane the ingredient list on supposedly simple foods. I made a loaf of bread this weekend that had 6 ingredients if you count water as one (flour, sugar, olive oil, yeast, salt, water), now go look at the bread in your house and start counting ingredients, pretty sure there are more than 15 in most store bread. Knowledge is power, but when you feed 3 other people it makes it a struggle to choose between easy and healthy. I now have that struggle with every food I buy because I don't have full family buy in.

#4- I've eaten a lot of graham cracker crumbs
    I made a batch of homemade graham crackers this weekend during the beginning of IceMageddon 2015. The results were ugly but tasty. I want to make them again but the recipe needs adjusted to make the batter less crumbly. I took the bits and crumbs and baked them with the intention of using them for a graham cracker crust at some point, however I have eaten half of the container one handful at a time for the last 2 days. They are delicious, like the best part of granola without all the healthy oats. I proudly haven't gone back to the pantry since I started typing so I guess that is progress.

#5 I spent two days food prepping and then made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner
   I made a wide array of food stuffs the past three days (bread, carrot applesauce muffins, applesauce, garlic butter, muffin tin omelette's, plus lots of veggie chopping). I have done what feels like dozens of loads of dishes, and when dinner time came around last night I was just done. I didn't want to cook anything remotely dinner like, for the first time in days I didn't want to be in the kitchen at all. I cut some slices of the bread I made, and made all of us some PB&J with a side of sliced apple and called it a night.

So my confessions are trivial and first world at their best, but I feel slightly better now that I've written them down. Thanks for reading, here's a photo dump of the last 2 weeks just to catch you up on what has been going down while my funk has been not so uptown (2015 musical reference).
Mommy/Daughter comparison shot

Valentine's Day goodies for the kids and their teachers

Little man at the downtown library, be still my librarian heart
Made this on Canva for my friends (you're welcome for the eye candy)

Maroon 5 concert at the AAC (My 8th concert and just as amazing as ever)

My Fat Tuesday spread at Terra in Fort Worth

Nerdy librarian in full effect

Thinking of starting a GoFundMe to buy E this bed

1 year apart, same cheese

The aforementioned graham crackers

Ice day art project with oil based Sharpie

The guilty face of a dog who abandoned me after all the popcorn was gone

The first Texas snow of 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Austin, TX I Love You, Let Me Count the Ways

I have lived for almost 9 years in the great state of Texas, and those 9 years have all been spent in and around Fort Worth. I have never regretted moving down here and would be lost if I had to move back to Ohio. I have been lucky enough to travel to a good chunk of the rest of the state and the only area I would ever have any desire to live in is Austin, TX. Last week I spent Monday-Friday in Austin for the Texas Computer Educator's Association annual conference and that week only reaffirmed my total love for the city that strives to stay weird.

I stayed at the Embassy Suites, which is on across the river from the main part of downtown and the convention center. The hotel was nice, and clean but in very bad need of an updating. That hotel was likely the epitome of high class in the mid 1980's but now the high gloss brass could use a bit of modernizing. One of the things I do love about Embassy Suites is the continental breakfast. There are probably more options at this hotel chain for breakfast than any other I've stayed at and the oatmeal bar was nice when I was trying to be on my best behavior food wise (at least at breakfast). Our trip involved lots of walking since the conference provided shuttles were usually full, especially in the morning. We had an amazing view of the city on the walk in so the 1 mile trek wasn't bad at all.

So to save time I've decided to name my Top 10 Favorite Parts of My Trip to Austin (disclaimer, many of these are food related)

10. The shower in my hotel- Huge, raindrop shower head, no small children or dogs trying to peak in while I'm bathing. Huge win all the way around.

9. Amy's Ice Cream- We walked on a whim from the hotel to the South Congress location. I was promised amazing ice cream and I wasn't disappointed. Choosing was impossible but I finally settled on a smore mashup and my tongue was in love at first spoonful. If you live in Austin, Houston, or San Antonio you are lucky people. If you visit these places, find Amy's you won't be disappointed.

8. My Photoshop session
I have been wanting to learn Photoshop forever and made the decision that I would purchase a license for the library next school year. This way I could really enhance the digital products I was making for library promotion. I left Fort Worth at 5:30am so that I could get to Austin, check into the hotel, and get to my session at 11:30. The presenters were great and I really got to play with some of the basic Photoshop features. I did not learn how to make myself thinner in pictures, but I do know how to give myself a tan. I absolutely can not wait to play with it some more and here is my final product I made before the end of class.
Yep, I wore flannel to the beach.
7. App Smackdown session with Leslie Fisher
For the non EdTechy person an App smackdown is when a group of people share a particular website or app that they use in their classrooms with other educators. One person gets up, shares their app/website, gives a few examples of why it's cool, and then sits down and the next person goes. Leslie Fisher is a EdTech guru out of California, who I honestly had never heard of until the conference. She was very funny and shared her own favorite apps/sites along with the people in the room. I have a long list of sites on my iPad I am still weeding through, figuring out which teachers need to know about which apps/sites. Educators usually learn more from other educators who are in the trenches with them, and this type of session is great for finding out what other teachers are using successfully in their classrooms.

I told you that food would come up more than once. This restaurant was on the same side of the river as our hotel (a bit of a trek, but worth it) and had great reviews on Yelp. It was a Monday night so it wasn't busy and we were seated and waited on very quickly. There were two types of house salsa and the smokey chipotle one was fantastic. I got empanadas as my appetizer and I had a moment of pause as I was eating them they were so ridiculously good. I have an unabashed love of duck and when I saw duck enmoladas enchiladas, I was a bit giddy. The mole sauce was spicy but full of flavor and the duck was rich but not greasy. I didn't imbibe in anything to drink except ice tea but they did have a fully stocked bar and lots of people on Yelp commented on how good the margaritas were. I am definitely recommending this place to anyone whose going to Austin, and am going to strong arm (only if necessary) my friends to come with me when I go back in April for the Texas Library Association conference.

5. Pecha Kucha session
I had no clue what pecha kucha was until I went into the session. The conference description intrigued me, and I was wanting the learn about brand new things as opposed to learning more about tools I already knew about. A pecha kucha is a style of presentation where you present your information in 20 slides set to play for 20 seconds a piece. Your slides consist of images and/or phrases not bullet points. This is not a PowerPoint presentation, this is a fast paced way to get information across. You have to know what you are talking about and be able to get through it fast. I am already in the beginning stages of helping implement this with one of our speech teachers and am building one to present to my principal and leadership team about what I learned while I was at the conference. There is usually one session at a conference that just lights you up on the inside and you can't wait to tell people about it. That was this session for me.

I left a less than interesting session a bit early and decided to get a jump on lunch. I wandered the streets near the convention center looking for something non-chainy. I saw a fried chicken place and was heading for the door when I looked over and saw Le Cafe Crepe out of the corner of my eye and changed direction. It's a tiny little place tucked in the side of the downtown Hampton Inn, it's actually so small the bathroom patrons have access to is the bathroom of the hotel lobby. I had to wait about 5 minutes for a table on my first visit (there was another the next day) but the staff quickly seated me, got my menu, and took my order. My first visit I ordered 
The Bruni
Goat cheese, spinach, caramelized onion, tomatoes, sundried tomato pesto, fresh basil, mixed bell peppers

It did not disappoint. I was sad when it was gone but followed my good judgement and didn't order another. My second visit I went with a classic

Chloe's Crêpe
Nutella, strawberries or bananas, whipped cream

I choose bananas and was in heaven. Unknown to me until after I finished lunch, Thursday was National Nutella Day so I was celebrating without even knowing. I also ordered a Mocha and it was so much better than Starbucks (sacrilege I know). In April I am staying closer to the convention center and I see multiple trips to La Cafe Crepe in my future.

#3 Twitter and #TCEA15
I know there are a whole bunch of Twitter haters out there, and I totally understand. Twitter can be annoying, people on twitter can be mean, and following it constantly can be a huge time suck. At a conference however, it is an irreplaceable tool. No one can be at every session and invariably choices have to be made about which sessions to attend and which sessions to skip. Luckily other people are making that same choices and end up in sessions that you chose to skip. If those people use Twitter and tweet about what is going on in the session and share session materials, it's like attending two (and usually more) sessions at once. If the speaker you are missing is good, then you are missing some of the experience, but you are still gaining great links and resources without being in the same room as the presenter. I got SO much great material from sessions I wasn't in that I have already shared with teachers. Hate on Twitter all you want, but as a resource for sharing and communicating with peers it is hands down the best.

# 2 Bill Nye the Science Guy
I love Bill Nye, I have loved Bill Nye since I was a student in elementary school. He made science fun and I actually understood it. When I watch the videos as an adult I realized how incredible cheesy they are (they are from the early/mid 90's) but kids today love them just as much I did back then. He isn't the most eloquent speaker, kind of bouncing around from one idea to the next then pulling himself back to his point. His main mission today is to teach children and adults alike about the problems of global warming and how we as world citizens can help. He is at the very root a scientist and doesn't beat around the bush about his feelings on global warming, evolution, vaccinations, etc. There were some people that were probably offended by his very blunt statement of scientific fact. I did see multiple people leave mid presentation and I only assume a few of them were off put by his feelings on evolution versus intelligent design and left (I could be wrong, that's just how it looked). He is an incredibly smart man, and dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation about science and how important it is to innovation and future discovery. I am happy I got to see him speak and happy that there is someone out there so dedicated to further science education for all students.

# 1. Getting to co-present at a huge state conference
I've done some professional development training in my district and was lucky enough to co-present with a group of my friends last year at TLA in San Antonio. When my friend Marcia, who is an amazing presenter, asked me if I wanted to co-present with her at TCEA I was thrilled and a bit nervous. She sent in the presenter application and our presentation was accepted, and the nerves kicked in. We worked on our presentation in earnest after Christmas and got to do a dry run with some help from our friend Micheal, at our districts annual technology conference. That presentation went well, we tweaked, re-organized, and got ready to present on Tuesday. We had a full session and the general consensus was very positive. We had lots of thank you's and kind words when we were done. I give all the credit to Marcia and her magnetic personality and presentation style, but it was so nice to be included and get the experience of presenting at a conference this size. I hope to present in the future at this conference and at TLA. I enjoy teaching teachers as much as I enjoy teaching kids.

So there's my countdown, and a great breakdown of my week in Austin. I learned so much, enjoyed an amazing city, get more presentation experience, and reinvigorate my love of my job. Fun times had by all. (Except for the 5 pounds I gained, but I earned those 5 and they were delicious, I'm already down 3 so I'm not stressing over it.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Totally Read Tuesday- Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

I took a week off from blogging, and my real life in general, and attended an amazing conference for educators in Austin, Texas. The Texas Computer Educators Association conference was a great experience and I am very lucky that my principal allowed me to attend and I'll be sharing some of what I learned and my general review of Austin in a day or two, but I didn't want to miss a whole other week of Totally Read Tuesday.

I had multiple students ask (possibly beg) me to read this book. I looked up the general description on Goodreads and although its rating is on the lower side of what I usually read, I couldn't let my students down. When it came back in the drop box I grabbed it  and took it with me on my trip to Austin.

Lately a lot of books have come out that are retellings (reimaginings, prequel, sequel...) to fairy tales. One of the things I like most about this book is its a reimagined sequel to a classic American fairy tale. In the grand timeline of literature, Dorothy and Oz are not all that old and I love the idea of turning a classic American tale on its head. Amy Gumm is nothing like the iconic Dorothy Gale we know from The Wizard of Oz but as we will soon find out Dorothy isn't who we thought she was either. Amy Gumm has a pretty awful teenage existence and when the tornado picks her and her trailer up and she awakens in Oz she thinks she has been given a gift. She quickly learns that the real Oz is nothing like the Oz she's seen in the movies and discovers that Dorothy is to blame. All of the classic characters return but have been altered (for the worse) by events that occurred since Dorothy returned to Oz. It's up to Aimee, with some help from some unlikely allies, to take Dorothy down and return Oz and all its magic back the way it was pre-Dorothy.

I would consider this book on the cusp between middle school and high school. There are a few curse words scattered throughout but I wouldn't consider them excessive, there are sexual references but no sex scenes, and one of Amy's bullies is a pregnant girl who goes to her high school. There are some violent scenes described while battling some of the Oz's baddies but in the realm of YA fiction it's on the tame side. I will warn you all that this is the beginning of a trilogy so it has lots of loose ends. Book 2 comes out in March and I am very much looking forward to see where this story goes. There are also some novella's available on Kindle, Nook, and Overdrive that are also supposed to be very good (they are on my to read list). It's a quick read even though its a fairly thick book and worth your time as long as your not easily offended by Ms. Paige taking an American classic and totally making it her own. Nothing in Oz is the way we remember and Ms. Paige has me looking forward to what's in store for everyone in Emerald City and beyond.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Totally Read Tuesday- Escape for Mr. Lemoncello's Library

Last April while I was at the Texas Library Association's annual conference in San Antonio, I was lucky enough to briefly meet the author of this book at an event call the YART Texas Tea. It's kind of like speed dating for authors where you stay at a table and the authors rotate around and talk to each of the different tables. Mr. Grabenstein was very sweet and after he described his book, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, to those of us at the table, I was hooked. I downloaded it from my public libraries Overdrive a few days after we got back from the conference, and was not disappointed.
The common and probably overused comparison of this book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but in a library. That is a good comparison, but this book is great in its own right and doesn't need to be compared to Dahl's classic to draw people in. Mr. Lemoncello is a very wealthy game creator and he is reopening his hometown's library 10 years after it had been closed by the city. This library is state of the art and a total mystery to the whole town who are waiting for it to reopen. Mr. Lemoncello has an essay contest to choose a group of  students who will be the libraries first patron's and get to spend the whole night in the library. The students are soon caught up in all of the twists, turns, and surprises that Mr. Lemoncello has in store for them. The final surprise being the ultimate game, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library. The students must find clues and use their problem solving skills to figure out a way to leave the library, and have the chance to win some amazing prizes.

It's true that as a librarian I might be a bit biased, and I haven't met another librarian yet who read this book and didn't love it. Libraries have an image problem, with many incorrectly believing they are stuffy and quite spaces where only silent reading happens. This book shows the potential for libraries (even if they can't be as cool as Mr. Lemoncello's). It brings in all the best aspects of what libraries should represent to kids and shows readers how much fun libraries can be. I wanted to move in to Mr. Lemoncello's library, I wanted to be one of the characters going through clues and trying to figure out how to win the game. I think kids who read this will want to go to their local libraries and see all of the things they have to offer (unfortunately probably not animatronic animals, and a full service arcade). This book is appropriate for all ages and I think it could be a great read aloud book for kids 2nd grade and up. I actually bought this book for my 2nd grade niece and can't wait until she's old enough to read it herself because I know she'll love it. If you have kids in your life, or bibliophiles in general this is a great read.  Even if you are in your 40's with full grown kids, it will bring you back to the first time you read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The audiobook is also well read and was one of the few fiction audiobooks that I listened to last year. Use the rafflecopter below to enter to win your own paperback copy of this book. If you've read it then post below with your review. Happy Tuesday and Happy Reading!

Monday, January 26, 2015

A Little Prep + An Awesome Friend =A Whole Lot of Food

I spend the majority of my Sundays in the kitchen prepping food for the week. I may make a batch of brown rice or oatmeal, cut up veggies, or cook up meats to use in lunches and dinners. I have found this has made coming up with healthy meals much easier since everything is ready throw together at dinner time. I read articles recently about spending a day making tons of crockpot meals and sharing the expense and the meals with friends. This seemed like a great idea, because we often have lots of leftovers and they don't always get eaten. It's also cost effective because you can split the expense of the groceries, which when you eat non processed and organic foods can be pretty pricey,

I have a friend who is also eating very cleanly who I thought would be game to giving this a try. I sent some recipes to her on Pinterest and we yeahed and neyed them until we found a few we could agree on. We looked at the ingredients and inventoried what we already had on hand and what we needed to buy. We ended up not choosing any crockpot meals but instead some stuff that didn't have long cooking times. She went to Whole Foods the night before to pick up the handful of ingredients we needed and also brought over some produce that she may not have been able to use before it went bad. We ended up making two complete meals, roasted butternut squash and homemade mashed potatoes. Here is the review of each dish and what we would change or add to each.

The mess, mid process
The first recipe we made was cauliflower chowder from Damn Delicious. The only part of the recipe we changed was not adding carrots because I didn't realize I was out until we started cooking. Recipe wise it was easy to follow, but there was a decent amount of prep work chopping the veggies (especially the cauliflower, thanks for that Z). Once it was finished we decided that it was too chunky the way the recipe called for so we used the emulsion mixer and turned it into more of a potato soup consistency. Flavor wise purely following the recipe it was bland, not bad just nothing special. However some smoked salt and a bit more pepper and it was much tastier. I would make it again, especially when cauliflower comes in season, and portion wise this recipe makes A LOT of soup.

Second we made Zucchini Noodles with Cilantro Lime Chicken from This was a very simple recipe as well as long as you had a veggie spiralizer (I love mine, they have a ton on Amazon but this is the one I have.). You can cut the strips yourself, but that would add a great deal of time to the process and these are a relatively inexpensive kitchen gadget so I think they are worth the purchase. Recipe wise we did not add in any hot peppers and we cooked the chicken at medium low instead of high. This is a great tasting recipe, very flavorful and light. I plan on taking my portions for lunch the next two days and I bet they'll be awesome.

She had some potatoes on the verge of going bad that we boiled down and used the emulsion mixer, milk, and butter to turn into mashed potatoes. She plans on using these in a shepard's pie recipe later this week (I'll probably have mine as a side dish with chicken). I recommended this recipe from Ditch the Wheat replacing the sweet potatoes with mashed potatoes. I just made this the other day and it was a huge hit with everyone. We also roasted some butternut squash with olive oil, salt and pepper and I'll be eating my portion with one of my lunches this week.
Soup finished, chicken cooking, potatoes boiling
This was a great experience for us. The cooking went by very quickly and it was awesome to have someone to prep with. We got plenty of food and only had to buy a few ingredients to bring everything together. It helps that we eat similar diets, though it did take a bit of back and forth to find recipes that we both thought looked good. We will definitely try this again in the future, possibly making meat bagels (but maybe not). I would so recommend trying this with a friend, it makes the cooking and prep time go by so much faster and it was a great experience all the way around.
Mashed potatoes and chowder ready to portion out
Everything all divided out ready to go

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Disappointment with a Dash of Perspective

Yesterday was the last day of my cleanse, I was thrilled to be done and couldn't wait for my morning cup of coffee. I'll be honest, I was about 95% compliant with the rules of the cleanse, my portions were small, my food was clean, and I drank A LOT of water. I took the supplements, drank the fiber drink, and only cheated with a few tastes of some of the food I cooked for the kids. I stayed off of the scale the whole time, even though every morning I felt like it was staring at me waiting for me to step on. Waiting for me to pass judgement on myself because of the numbers on the screen. I truly was expecting a few pounds, would have been thrilled with 4-5 pounds but happy with 3-4 pounds. When I stepped on the scale this morning this was the number staring back at me.

10 days of eating healthy, following the rules, taking the supplements and I only dropped 1.2 pounds. I was so disappointed. I was frustrated and angry. Those emotions exacerbated by a hectic morning and a less than compliant 21 months old. I almost cried. I struggled with the reality that the point of the cleanse wasn't to lose weight, it was to reset from bad eating and build healthy eating habits. I had done that. I felt better, I was less tired, less sluggish, and my pants fit better. The cleanse was a success in all aspects except the number on the scale. Just another instance where I let that number change how I felt and let it take away all of the good I had done.

Here is what I know in my head. Weight fluctuates, especially for women all month. Muscle is more dense than fat, so weight lifting will invariably make moving the number down the scale harder. Once you are only a few pounds from goal weight, those pounds are incredibly hard to shed. I know all of this in my rational brain, but it's not my rational brain that is tearing me down for only losing a pound and a half. It's the emotional, self conscious and critical part of my brain that is making me feel like all of that work wasn't worth it. That part of my brain is loud and unrelenting, that part of my brain wants me to fail because eating poorly and not exercising is so much easier (and tastier). It's easier not to go to the gym, not to meal prep, not to care what foods you eat, but I've done that. I've spent my 20's that way and I wasn't happy with how I felt, looked, lived. I have an amazing life and I am blessed in uncountable ways but seeing that is hard when you don't like what's looking back at you in the mirror.

I've spent a lot of today trying to give myself perspective, trying to be realistic about my goals and intentions. I've spent much of my life so far disliking what I looked like, most of which I tied to my weight. If I was thinner I'd be happy was a constant mantra for me, but experience has taught me that that's not true. My body issues aren't going to disappear when I fit into my goal jeans, and honestly I'm not sure yet what steps I'm going to take to work on them. What I do know is that I'm a goal oriented person and I have made improved body image my 2015 goal. It's not just about losing weight, it's about finally accepting the reflection in the mirror flaws and all and being OK with it. I've spent 31 years beating myself down, I want to spend a year trying to build myself up into a healthier and more confident me. I'm not sure of all the steps yet but I'm ready to take the first one by sharing this all with you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Totally Read Tuesday-Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

What I read can vary greatly content and I typically have multiple books going at once, mixed between audiobook, e-book, and physical book. I had Eleanor and Park recommended to me by a fellow librarian and I had heard a few students talking about how much they liked it, so I moved it to my To Read list. A few days later I saw that it was available in audio book through my public libraries Overdrive account. I tend to shy away from fiction books on audio because the narrator can sometimes ruin a story for me (A Wrinkle in Time, I'm looking at you) but I decided to try it anyway. I figured if I didn't like the narrator, I would just get on the hold list for the book copy at my library. I enjoyed the narrators and was glad they had a male and a female read the book instead of using one reader for all of the parts. This is one of my favorite fiction audio books so if you are an audio book fan I would recommend the format.

This book is set in the 1986 in Omaha, Nebraska (Rowell's hometown). The story is told in dual perspective going between Park, a half Vietnamese half Caucasian boy who has lived in the neighborhood all his life, Eleanor is a quite red head who shows up on Park's bus one morning, out of place from the moment her foot hit the bus step. Park reluctantly allows her to sit with him on the bus and that decision sets the rest of the story in motion. Eleanor is transitioning to living with her mother and stepfather again after being kick out of the house for over a year due to an incident with her stepfather. Eleanor's family life is terrible and school isn't much better but slowly she begins to form a relationship with Park as they bond over comic books and mixed tapes. Eleanor has major issues with her stepfather, mother, school bullies, and even her siblings but Park seems to be the one thing holding her together.

This book is for the 14+ crowd, it has cursing, sexual references, and incidents of child and domestic abuse. This book can be raw and gritty but it is an amazingly wonderful portrayal of a character stuck in her circumstances without a whole lot of hope. You feel for Eleanor, you want to save her, you want to have her come live with you, you want to punch her stepfather in the face. I haven't felt this emotionally attached to a book character in a long time. Rowell is a wordsmith, her writing seems simple but it holds so much weight, it moves you in unexpected ways and makes you want more. She also wrote another YA book called Fangirl and adult fiction books Landline and Attachments, I loved Fangirl and Landline and am on a waitlist for Attachments from the library. I would recommend this book to adults and teens alike without hesitation, as long as they understood that there would be the aforementioned cursing, sexual reference, and uncomfortable topics discussed. It's realistic and sometime reality, even reality set in the 1980's, isn't always pretty.

Because I love this book so much I am having a contest to give away a paperback copy of Eleanor and Park from Use the Rafflecopter app below and enter to win a free copy, which I will have shipped directly to you when the contest is over.